πŸ† Can create a local Git repo

Tools β†’ Git and GitHub β†’


Soon you are going to take your first step in using Git. If you would like to see a quick overview of the full Git landscape before jumping in, watch the video below.

Install SourceTree which is Git + a GUI for Git.

Suppose you want to create a repository in an empty directory things

Windows: Click File β†’ Clone/New…. Click on Create button.
Mac: New... β†’ Create New Repository.

Enter the location of the directory (Windows version shown below) and click Create.

Go to the things folder and observe how a hidden folder .git has been created.

Note: If you are on Windows, you might have to configure Windows Explorer to show hidden files.

Open a Git Bash Terminal.

If you installed SourceTree, you can click the Terminal button to open a GitBash terminal.

Navigate to the things directory.

Use the command git init which should initialize the repo.

$ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in c:/repos/things/.git/

You can use the command ls -a to view all files, which should show the .git directory that was created by the previous command.

$ ls -a
.  ..  .git

You can also use the git status command to check the status of the newly-created repo. It should respond with something like the bellow

git status


# On branch master
# Initial commit
nothing to commit (create/copy files and use "git add" to track)