🏆 Can set Git to ignore files

Tools → Git and GitHub →


Add a file names temp.txt to the things repo you created. Suppose we don’t want this file to be revision controlled by Git. Let’s instruct Git to ignore temp.txt

The file should be currently listed under Unstaged files. Right-click it and choose Ignore…. Choose Ignore exact filename(s) and click OK.

Observe that a file named .gitignore has been created in the working directory root and has the following line in it.


Create a file named .gitignore in the working directory root and add the following line in it.


The .gitignore file tells Git which files to ignore when tracking revision history. That file itself can be either revision controlled or ignored.

  • To version control it (the more common choice – which allows you to track how the .gitignore file changed over time), simply commit it as you would commit any other file.
  • To ignore it, follow the same steps we followed above when we set Git to ignore the temp.txt file.